Mary Lou Manzie Memorial Scholarship

  • Eligibility: Current resident of Affordable Housing meaning the resident family must have been income qualified to move onto the property or receiving rental assistance through a recognized rental assistance program (Section 8, Rent Supplement, Rental Assistance Payments or Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program). US citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States with a valid Social Security Number and verifiable proof of identity (driver’s license, etc) required. Enrolling in a program promoting higher education or a certified training program. Enrollment for full or part-time programs with a minimum of 10 class/training hours per week.

1.     Requirements: Demonstrated commitment to achieving an education/training that promotes marketability in the community workforce by providing two (2) written recommendations from non-family members. Outline goal to achieving full time employment within next 5 years.

2.     Deadline: May 3, 2019

3.     Website: